Course Syllabus


Mrs. Hepler


Course Description: 

This course focuses on developing critical thinking skills as well as the skills defined by the PA Core Standards for English Language Arts. These skills include:

  • Analyzing literature and informational texts.
  • Expanding vocabulary.
  • Writing with a clear purpose, style, and audience.
  • Using grammar appropriately and effectively.
  • Participating in whole group, small group, and partner discussions effectively.

During class time, students will discuss texts, write for a variety of purposes, and engage in meaningful activities through which students strengthen and demonstrate their understanding of texts and themes.  


Expectations for Honors Students:

            This honors course will focus on more independent analysis, rich classroom discussion during which all students are held accountable, and assignments in which students display original thinking and make complex connections. To maintain the rigor, there will be an increased workload as well as the expectation that students complete more work outside of class in order to engage in meaningful discussion and activities during class time. This course will prepare students to continue taking Honors English courses throughout high school as well as for the Keystone Literature Exam.


Attendance and Missed Work: 

Students are expected to attend class on a daily basis with all necessary materials. Tardiness and absences will negatively affect student progress as discussion and instruction will be missed. If an absence occurs, STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MISSED WORK. Mrs. Hepler will abide strictly by the rule detailed in the student handbook in regards to legal absences. Students will have five days to complete assignments, projects, quizzes, or tests after returning to school. However, if a due date for an assignment is announced well in advance, and the student is absent only on the due date, then that assignment is due upon the student’s return. The student is responsible for getting and completing missed work without reminders from Mrs. Hepler. Likewise, if a student is in the building the day an assignment is due, they must hand in the assignment, even if they are not in class.  As per the Millersburg Area School District attendance policy, excessive tardiness and unexcused absences may result in disciplinary action. 






Students will be graded on class participation, homework completion, vocabulary quizzes, tests, projects, and other individual or small group assignments. The grading scale will fall under the Millersburg School District policy:  A=93-100, B=85-92, c=75-84, D=65-74, F=64 and below. Poor attendance and lack of participation will hinder student’s progress and this will be reflected in their final grade. All assignments have due dates and are expected to be turned in accordingly (unless otherwise discussed ahead of time). Failure to turn in assignments on the due date will result in a maximum of half credit.  Some assignments will not be accepted at all if turned in past the due date. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period.


Classroom Expectations: 

  • Students are expected to be seated in their assigned seat by the time the bell rings.
  • Students are responsible for all missed work. If an absence occurs, the student is responsible for making arrangements to make up the work.
  • Students participating in extracurricular activities are responsible for monitoring their eligibility.
  • Students are expected to hand in original work that is their own; cheating and plagiarism will result in an immediate zero for the assignment and disciplinary action.
  • Students need a hall pass to be excused from the room. Excessive use of the pass will result in limited opportunities to leave the room and parent contact.
  • Students are expected to respect all people, ideas, and materials in the room.



Plagiarized work will not be tolerated or accepted. Any plagiarized work will result in a zero in Powerschool, and students will not be given the chance to redo the assignment. Please see the attached sheet on plagiarism guidelines.


Literature and Curriculum:

  • Daily Grammar Warm-Ups
  • Short Story Unit
  • Personal Narrative
  • Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
  • Poetry Unit
  • Analytical Writing
  • Julius Caesar by Shakespeare
  • Persuasive Letter




Curriculum, assignments, notes, and due dates will be available through Mrs. Hepler’s CANVAS page, which can be accessed through the following link or from Mrs. Hepler’s web page.







PARENT:  I have read the Honors English 9 syllabus and understand what is required of my son/daughter.  I also understand that he/she is responsible and accountable for his/her actions and assignments.  If I have any comments or questions I know how to reach Mrs. Hepler.


STUDENT NAME___________________________________________


GUARDIAN NAME____________________________________________


GUARDIAN SIGNATURE_______________________________________


GUARDIAN PHONE NUMBER______________  -  ________________ - _____________________________


GUARDIAN EMAIL (if available)____________________________________________




STUDENT:  I have read the Honors English 9 syllabus and understand what is required of me. I also understand that I am responsible and accountable for my actions and assignments. If I have any questions or concerns, I know I must ask Mrs. Hepler.



STUDENT SIGNATURE______________________________________





Course Summary:

Date Details Due