Course Syllabus

7th Grade English/Language Arts Classes 2018-2019


Prentice-Hall Writing and Grammar and Prentice-Hall Literature

The texts focus on incorporating grammar and good organizational skills into the writing process. Classes will also study a variety of literature from several genres, as well as individually chosen novels. Supplementary vocabulary handouts will be used. Research materials for research papers will be available here at MMS. The internet will also be used for research and we will follow all usage policy standards for the computer lab or use of Chromebooks.


Each student is expected to do his/her own best work. Plagiarism or copying will not be tolerated. Illegible assignments will be returned for rewriting. We will complete reading and writing assignments that will then be used along with grammar review packs to hone students’ skills in all areas of grammar and usage. Narrative, argumentative (strong focus), and informational writing assignments will be covered, as well as all PSSA topics. Vocabulary and spelling units will be assigned. Speeches and creative projects are incorporated into the curriculum.

Bring: Binder, pencil, all handouts, completed homework, Power School access information (if you are permitted), Google passwords

Kept Here: Journals, all tests and quizzes, projects for display, writing folder


Grading: A point system will be used to determine the students’ grades. Rubrics for writing assignments and projects will be displayed in the room and on the website. Parents may make an appointment to view graded work and discuss progress.

Homework: All graded homework assignments will be given a point value. Late work receives no credit because we go over all the answers in class when it is due. All assignments are to be turned in. Absent students will be given appropriate deadlines to turn in work; school policy states a zero is to be entered after five days.

Help: Mrs. Troutman will be available for extra help from 7:40-8:00 a.m., and from 3:05-4:05 p.m. Other times are by appointment. A pass can be issued to make up tests/quizzes or receive writing help during the FLEX period. Just ask. J


Class Rules:    

1. Be respectful; please ask questions if you are confused.

2. Be responsible for your materials and with your time.

3. Be ready to learn when the bell rings. Participate.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due