Course Syllabus

 Mrs. Steffen's

2nd Grade Classroom


office phone: 717-692-3072

There are no rules, just expectations. 

The following skills, expectations for incoming 2nd graders should be considered as minimum expectations.
It is recommended that all students continue to reinforce academic skills during the summer before entering 2nd grade, especially in the areas of reading, basic math facts, and writing skills.
-Be able to read orally, accurately and fluently
-Be able to read independently (at least 60 wpm) with good comprehension at the 2.1 grade level
-Know the sounds for all the consonants, the long and short sounds of the
vowels, and consonant blends and digraphs
-Be able to decode unknown words using phonetic rules
-Be able to read first grade sight words
-Be able to recall relevant facts and details to comprehend text
-Be able to write in complete sentences, with correct capitalization and
-Be able to organize ideas into clear, complete sentences
-Be able to write at least half a page in a journal at the beginning of the year, and a whole page after Christmas holidays
-Correctly spells basic sight words and spelling pattern words in daily writing
-Know addition and subtraction facts up to 12 by memory
-Be able to identify coins and their value, and find the value of groups of
pennies, nickels, and dimes
-Be able to tell time to the hour and half hour
-Have a basic understanding of place value, tens and ones
-Applies problem solving strategies to solve word problems
-Understands and uses symbols (+,, <, >, =) correctly
-Identifies patterns in numbers (odd/even, fact families, skip counting by 2’s,
5’s, 10’s)
-Be able to remain seated and focused during class time
-Be able to participate in class discussions
-Be able to work together in small groups or with a partner
-Be held responsible for having their materials, homework, and
work space ready for class each day.
-Be held responsible for completing all tasks
-Be able to follow simple oral and written directions
-Act in a respectful way toward adults and peers



Course Summary:

Date Details Due