Course Syllabus

AP Calculus Overview

Room A-130 with Mr. Foust


AP Calculus is the study of differentiation and integration of single real variable algebraic and transcendental functions and their applications. Coursework is comparable to a 3-credit college level Calculus I course.  This course will help students develop their analytical and synthesizing skills.  This class’ complexity requires additional outside study beyond the normal classroom setting. 



  1. Be responsible for how your choices affect other people, equipment and our learning environment.   
  2. Be prepared for class.  Bring the essentials every day - pencils, notebook, binder, textbook.     
    3.  Come to class on time and leave the room neat and organized (the room…and yourself).


Not meeting the above expectations may result in, but is not limited to the following:

warning, parent contact, after school teacher detention, admin. detention



Your grade will be based on points accumulated through the marking period in two weighted categories.  
Letter grades are according to the school grading scale.  

60%      tests, quizzes, certain projects and assignments may fall in this category
40%      homework, classwork, projects, could be anything
Homework – Assignments meant to introduce topics, reinforce concepts and practice skills.   
In class assignments – Practice or discovery activities that may be given individually or in small groups.

Projects – a variety of possibilities, including independent study of certain topics
Quiz – Similar to tests and designed to assess smaller blocks of information.  
      Quizzes can be given as solo or occasionally small group efforts.
Test – Assessments given over larger sections of materials, generally chapters.


One late homework assignment will be accepted per marking period for half credit.  Further missing assignments will receive a 0 along with notification of parents/guardians.  Students are responsible for getting and completing notes and assignments due to absence.  Refer to school policy on missed assignments due to absence.


I am available before and after school for extra help or assistance with material. Ask, and we can work out something.

Academic Support is offered throughout the year.   



Get the most out of your notebook and binder by keeping it organized and legible.  It’s rather silly to expend daily energy and time on your notes only to find it incomprehensible when you go back to study.  Be good to your Future Self by keeping materials organized.  

Course Summary:

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