Music 6 - Q1 - Slemmer

* General Music Classes - Grades 6-8 *

Course Content

General Music Classes will examine, create, listen, perform, analyze, understand the elements of music and how music impacts our lives.


  • Classroom Participation
  • Special Individual or Group Prjexts
  • Classroom Notebook
  • In-Class Assignments
  • Time Usage & Participation

Classroom Guidelines

  • Enter the room on time. If you enter after the bell rings, you must obtain a pass from your previous teacher or office.
  • Be sure to have all materials - including a PENCIL.
  • Follow directions and get permission to speak.
  • Use Appropriate tone, voice, and language.

Damage/Repair Costs

Should a music instrument such as a tone chime, keyboard, or guitar become damaged while in use by a student due to negligent or inappropriate behavior, the student and his/her parent/guardian will be held responsible for all repairs or replacement costs or that instrument. Unpaid cost will become obligations at the end of the year and the student will not receive a report card until it is paid.



Course Summary:

Date Details Due